
Alcoholism Outbreak
Police in Gangnam, the richest city in the capital city of South Korea, Seoul, have arrested a Philippina aged 29...

Could Ebola virus be classed under just any other virus?
A person’s predisposition and understanding of pain and sickness can dramatically alter his or her experience of it. The human...

Pollution becomes a normal abnormality
There have been stern and derogatory complaints amongst the Copperbelt inhabitants, like many other parts of the country, especially Mufulira...

The Coalition against ISIL
The coalition against ISIL:Martin Luther King Jr. and John Perkins believed that hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease...

US President, Barack Obama, officially declares war on ISIS
US President, Barack Obama, officially declares war on ISIS: Speaking Wednesday night, American President Barack Obama addressed the American people...

Missile caused Flight MH17 crash
Reports have emerged indicating Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was struck by multiple "high-energy objects from outside the aircraft," causing it...