Pollution becomes a normal abnormality

There have been stern and derogatory complaints amongst the Copperbelt inhabitants, like many other parts of the country, especially Mufulira residents, due to prolonged harmful sulfur-related gas pollution. These gases cause plants and trees to wither slowly die out as well as cause cancer and other respiratory-system-related and skin diseases in human beings. Even though this kind of pollution is JUST one kind of air pollution, it comes in many other different forms (soil, water, and if there is such a thing, human pollution etc.). There hasn’t been any official research taken on this but countless observations have been deduced over the past 20 years.
There is no need of being all schmaltzy about this issue. Why can’t the companies concerned work to curb this pollution problem so that it does not always harmfully and indefinitely roam the atmosphere? One Copperbelt dweller said that with the kind of pollution in Mufulira and in certain other places or compounds, death is dangerously subliminal. It’s like being spherically enclosed in a world were cigarette smoke is used in place of oxygen and the un-recycled things lie about everywhere. Why can’t the authorities boost up the recycling industry in our country- who deserves our love like earth, not being used.
Pollution has become so much a normal abnormality especially in human habitats where land pollution is a habit of almost every household as a result of not knowing how trash their trash, or not having the Dustman, Garbage collector around anymore. As a logical result we get a trash pit here, a trash pit there, and mostly these are ridiculously always burning away, endlessly day and night.
There is no need of being all schmaltzy about this issue. Why can’t the companies concerned work to curb this pollution problem so that it does not always harmfully and indefinitely roam the atmosphere? One Copperbelt dweller said that with the kind of pollution in Mufulira and in certain other places or compounds, death is dangerously subliminal. It’s like being spherically enclosed in a world were cigarette smoke is used in place of oxygen and the un-recycled things lie about everywhere. Why can’t the authorities boost up the recycling industry in our country- who deserves our love like earth, not being used.
Pollution has become so much a normal abnormality especially in human habitats where land pollution is a habit of almost every household as a result of not knowing how trash their trash, or not having the Dustman, Garbage collector around anymore. As a logical result we get a trash pit here, a trash pit there, and mostly these are ridiculously always burning away, endlessly day and night.