Human interest

Two Dead In A Road Traffic Accident Involving Copperbelt University Students.
Two people have tragically lost their lives following a road traffic accident involving a bus transporting Copperbelt University

Stay Lion Terrorize Zambezi West Bank, Killing 16 Cows
A pair of stray lions, believed to have escaped from Kafue National Park, has sparked fear and chaos in Zambezi...

Minister Kapala orders trict rules adherence to load shedding schedule
Energy Minister Peter Kapala has taken a firm stance on enforcing the official load shedding schedule, following widespread complaints of...

Acc Arrests UTH HR for nepotism and Corruption
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has pinned down a Human Resource and Administration officer at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) for...

Zambia Faces Power Crisis as Kariba Dam Water Levels Drop.
Zambia is experiencing a severe power crisis due to low water levels at the Kariba Dam, the country's main source...

Every day, antimicrobial medicines like antibiotics and antivirals play a crucial role in saving millions of lives. These powerful drugs...

Did you know? A toddler or child can drown in 5 cm of water. Every exposed water source, no matter...