Alcoholism Outbreak

Police in Gangnam, the richest city in the capital city of South Korea, Seoul, have arrested a Philippina aged 29 for allegedly sleeping over her three month old baby after blacking out from alcohol.
The unnamed woman had, with her friends, a ladies’ night out to which she brought her baby. They started off with a little gathering at their chaperon’s house at which they had an extraordinary deli prepared by the host. After their time at the old lady’s home, the ladies took the chaperon to a dance party for a drink or two.
As it turns out, the Philippina never intended to have any alcoholic beverages as all her attention was focused on her 3 month old son. But as time went by, she started sipping bits of the alcohol unintentionally to get drunk. By the time she realized that she was not supposed to have taken any alcohol she was already far gone.
Her Korean friends safely drove her to her house and left her well. According to the source, she was not that drunk but her friends said that she always had the habit of keeping a number of beers in her refrigerator which, apparently, she probably topped up when she was left alone.
When morning came she discovered that her baby was lying beside her ethereally stiff, cold and quiet with not sign of life in him. She apparently slept so deeply that she didn’t notice the baby that lay beside her whole night and she squeezed the life out of her own son during the night. The Lady neighbor is the one who discovered the tragedy after noticing the loudly weeping Philippina’s voice early morning around 5 am.
Later when the medical team and local cops arrived, she and her baby were taken away. One of her Korean friends confessed that even before she gave birth to her son she used to take alcohol; adding that their friend from the Philippines couldn’t stay away from the bottle at all. And that she was a victim of “alcoholism outbreak” that has been taking over millions of lives of young people. It is said that the Philippina has been detained as a police detention center in Suwon awaiting her pending case under investigation.
It has been confirmed that the mother who just lost her son is a dancing queen. She dances in nightclubs for a living and that she makes quite a lot of money such that she is independent. She pays her own rent, owns a Volkswagen which she bought herself and so on.