
Pilot in Myanmar lands plane without front wheels
A Myanmar pilot safely landed a jet without front wheels after the landing gear failed to deploy. The Myanmar National...

Nakazwe Eighty six percent of farmers pay for FISP contribution Kasempa, December,16- more than Twelve thousand out of the targeted...

agro dealer
Agro dealers form cartel over fertilizer prices Kasempa, December 17, Agro dealers in Kasempa district have formed up a cartel...

constituence development
CDF received Kasempa, December, 10, ZANIS- government has released one million one hundred thousand kwacha to add up to the...

government urged not to be blackmailed by mines once taxes are hiked.
Copperbelt University School of Business associate Professor Biemba Maliti says government should derive maximum benefits for the people from the...

According to Rodgers Fyabipa Worried-one Mongu November, 22,-ZANIS---Mongu District Commissioner (DC) Susiku Kamona has expressed worry with the extent of...

invest in aquaculture,farmer told
Invest in aquaculture, farmers told November 17, 2018 NANCY MWAPE, Lusaka GOVERNMENT has called on farmers to invest in aquaculture...