invest in aquaculture,farmer told

Invest in aquaculture, farmers told
November 17, 2018
GOVERNMENT has called on farmers to invest in aquaculture to increase fish production and bridge the country’s huge deficit of 80,000 metric tonnes.
Zambia’s current fish production from captured fisheries stands at 85,000 metric tonnes while the contribution from aquaculture is 32,000 metric tonnes per annum.
Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Kampamba Mulenga-Chewe said Government has taken strides in improving dwindling fish stocks in the country.
“Fisheries sub-sector plays an important role in national economic development of our country through the creation of employment, income generation, and contribution of food and nutrition security,” Mrs Mulenga-Chewe said.
She said on Friday at the launch of aquaculture technical, vocational and entrepreneurship training for improved private sector and smallholder skills spearheaded by Worldfish -Daily mail