constituence development

CDF received
Kasempa, December, 10, ZANIS- government has released one million one hundred thousand kwacha to add up to the earlier K500,000 constituency development fund for projects that would benefit the communities in kasempa.

About 19 projects ranging from water and sanitation to infrastructure development have been proposed to be adopted for funding under the CDF.

Speaking during the District Development Coordinating committee meeting today Acting District Planning Officer Namatama mubiana said government sent an additional of K1,100,000 to add up to what was released earlier totaling up K1,600,000.

Ms mubiana presented 19 projects to the DDCC committee to be validated then later sent to the full council meeting for approval.

Among the projects earmarked for validation is the construction of 1by 2 classroom block at mukinda primary school, rehabilitation of kanongo road while six bole holes have been proposed to be funded.

And the DDCC further suggested that some funds should be allocated to the monitoring of projects to ensure physical inspection before allocation is done.

The report further highlighted for the need for councillors to undertake community needs assessment so that communities have direct involvement and identify projects to be prioritized.

And kasempa district commissioner Goodson Sansakuwa said the release of CDF indicates that government cuts accross all sectors despite various political affiliation.

He called for the prudent utilization of the money before it is sent back to government
