BP cuts jobs

The dramatic fall in oil price over the past quarter has led our customers decrease exploration and production activity worldwide...

10 years ago|International news

Charity investigates Ebola case

The charity save children has said ‘’no stone will be left unturned’’ in investigation into how a British nurse working...

10 years ago|International news

What really happened the night Osama bin Laden was killed

Rob O’Neill says he was the Seal Team Six member who shot Osama bin Laden dead, while others who took...

10 years ago|International news

Despite the number of claims about the benefits of coffee, the truth is: COFFEE ADDICTION IS HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH

You also get free access to more than 100,000 health articles from Mercola.com and FREE subscription to my Natural Health...

10 years ago|International news


Nearly two decades ago, optometrist Stuart Richer noticed something funny about patients who began taking multivitamins. Those who had age-related...

10 years ago|International news


A defiant president Obama staked out a populist agenda Tuesday night for his final two years in office built on...

10 years ago|International news

US scientists are asking the public to join them in their quest to mine the Earth's soil for compounds that could be turned into vital new drugs.

US scientists are asking the public to join them in their quest to mine the Earth's soil for compounds that...

10 years ago|International news