ZESCO Workers Demand Government’s Investigation On Unfair Termination Of Contracts

According to Zambian Observer,
Most ZESCO security personnel and others in Lusaka have had their contracts terminated in unexplained circumstances that they say, smack of favouritism and nepotism. Most of those laid off have been in the corporation longer than others that have remained, and have spoken strongly against their Security management as being unfair, vindictive and refusing to take advice from supervisors on the ground on how to resolve the problem, that is quickly taking political dimensions.
The named Senior Security Services Manager and his Lusaka Division Assistant, are accused of having shortlisted the terminated employees some of whom have been working for more than 12 years, without consulting the supervisors who knew the service records of the affected workers.
Sources disclose that those that have been left in the ranks are comparatively new employees who are related or connected to senior and middle management of the corporation. Laid off workers who plan to approach government over the unfair dismissals are demanding for an investigation into the matter because of their long service with the department. Others are calling for the outright dismissal of the Security Services Manager who they accuse of biasness.
“Some of us have worked so long and so hard for this company but people who recently arrived have surpassed us, gotten lucrative and long contracts, because they are connected. Is this what the PF meant by saying they will create more jobs, by creating jobs only for family members and friends and discarding loyal and hard working workers like this? How can we get a termination at this hour when everything has gone up?”, lamentated the irate employees.
The power utility company is currently embroiled in back and forth reports of an alleged takeover by the Chinese government and this lay off may confirm the dragon’s stranglehold on the nation’s strategic assets.