Salaula makes poor Zambians save

Standard economic theory and empirical data indicates that second hand clothing imports can have positive effects in a country like Zambia [one of the latest developed countries in the world.
Salaula markets reduces the proportion of income that a family has to spend on clothes. It also helps employments like repairs and alteration business and forces tailors to process into more specialized production of styled garments, there is a downside to such imports, how ever, the massive importation of used clothing from developed world has resulted in a near – total collapse of the Zambian indigenous textle industry.
In the face of cheap used clothing, tailors specialized production may be irrelevant –customers will buy the least expensive clothing available, irrespective of style. Those clothing factories are left jobless, or else make significantly less money in the salaula resale business.
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Salaula markets reduces the proportion of income that a family has to spend on clothes. It also helps employments like repairs and alteration business and forces tailors to process into more specialized production of styled garments, there is a downside to such imports, how ever, the massive importation of used clothing from developed world has resulted in a near – total collapse of the Zambian indigenous textle industry.
In the face of cheap used clothing, tailors specialized production may be irrelevant –customers will buy the least expensive clothing available, irrespective of style. Those clothing factories are left jobless, or else make significantly less money in the salaula resale business.
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