Liberia Records Three New Ebola Cases

There has been three new confirmed cases of Ebola in Liberia, just months after the West African Country got freed of the virus, reports from the World Health Organisation (WHO) reveals.
Spokesperson for the WHO, Margaret Harris indicates that all paients including a 10 year old boy from Paynesville have so far been isolated as six of the boy's relatives together with his other high risk contacts have been taken to an Ebola Treatment Unit in Paynesville.
“The hospital is currently decontaminating the unit. All of the health care workers who came into contact with the patient have been notified,” the WHO official said.
Liberia remains one of the hardest hit countrie's in Africa's sub region ever since the Ebola virus broke out, with Sierra Leon and Guinea coming through as other ublucky states. So far, the poor health systems in these regions have been as part of others, limked to the deadly spread of the virus.
Spokesperson for the WHO, Margaret Harris indicates that all paients including a 10 year old boy from Paynesville have so far been isolated as six of the boy's relatives together with his other high risk contacts have been taken to an Ebola Treatment Unit in Paynesville.
“The hospital is currently decontaminating the unit. All of the health care workers who came into contact with the patient have been notified,” the WHO official said.
Liberia remains one of the hardest hit countrie's in Africa's sub region ever since the Ebola virus broke out, with Sierra Leon and Guinea coming through as other ublucky states. So far, the poor health systems in these regions have been as part of others, limked to the deadly spread of the virus.