Government to put up a multi facility International Airport on the lakeshore of Tanganyika in Kasaba Bay of Nsumbu in Nsama District in Northern Province.
Northern Province minister Brian Mundubile who was recently in Nsama district to check on some infrastructure development told the press in an interview.
Mr. Mundubile said that plans to construct an ultra modern International Airport and a five star hotel at a total cost of One Hundred and fifhteeen million ($115) United States dollars have reached an advanced stage.
The minister further said that this one way of boosting the country's economy through tourism.
And the development by government to put a modern Airport has cheered some Nsama residents.
Christy Kabinda a resident of Nsama who spoke on behalf of his fellow youths said that this project will create more job opportunities for the youths in the district and eleviate poverty levels.
Meanwhile Nsama District Administrative Officer Chilufya Mulenga has hailed the government for the multi million united states dollars project as it will contribute greatly to the economy of the district and the nation at large.
Mr. Mulenga said that the project will attract more tourists in the district hence uplifting the living standards of the local people.
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