Four Agriculture entities combine focres for smallholder farmers training

FOUR agriculture companies have combined forces for smallholder farmers training to improve the sector as envisaged in the recently unveiled Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP).
The combined team of local and international players, which are Czech-based Mendel University, Agriserve Agro, Breeding Inpuls Zambia and University of Africa, has developed an on-farm training programme to help smallholder dairy farmers increase production in a sustainable manner.
The training, the first of its kind in Zambia, is targeting 150 farmers by the end of the year. This will be conducted at the Czech Centre of Excellence located at Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre.
University of Africa Vice Chancellor Tobias Doyer said in Lusaka yesterday that the 7NDP puts the agribusiness sector at the center stage of Zambia’s development trajectory.
“This programme speaks directly to the two key priorities identified for agriculture in the 7NDP, namely improving farmers’ incomes through increased productivity and increasing agricultural output to stimulate upstream and downstream supply chains by promoting productivity-enhancing technology and training,” Dr Doyer said.
According to Dr. Doyer underpinning the programme is the recognition that big farming enterprises were all once small and transformed into commercial operations by following right principles using low input production systems in livestock farming.
“What we are finding is that lack of practical knowledge in applying low input production systems is the major hindrance among smallholder dairy farmers.
“In some cases once farmers invest money they are forced to maximize production regardless to the environment and sustainability,” he said.
Agriserve Agro chief executive officer Renier van Vuuren said the training introduced farmers to innovative, low cost dairy farming methods to help them increase productivity and sustain it.
Livestock farming generally required high capital outlay, and that the lack of it hinders smallholder dairy farmers to employ workers, purchase feed, medicine and equipment necessary for day to day
Recognising that lack of access to quality fodder as the major liming factor for smallholder dairy producers, the Czech Centre of Excellence has established a nursery where farmers would be able to buy seedlings and seeds of beneficial tree species such as Moringa and Lucean.
An initial 40,000 Moringa trees have been planted, and this would be scaled-up to 400,000 by the end of 2018.
The combined team of local and international players, which are Czech-based Mendel University, Agriserve Agro, Breeding Inpuls Zambia and University of Africa, has developed an on-farm training programme to help smallholder dairy farmers increase production in a sustainable manner.
The training, the first of its kind in Zambia, is targeting 150 farmers by the end of the year. This will be conducted at the Czech Centre of Excellence located at Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre.
University of Africa Vice Chancellor Tobias Doyer said in Lusaka yesterday that the 7NDP puts the agribusiness sector at the center stage of Zambia’s development trajectory.
“This programme speaks directly to the two key priorities identified for agriculture in the 7NDP, namely improving farmers’ incomes through increased productivity and increasing agricultural output to stimulate upstream and downstream supply chains by promoting productivity-enhancing technology and training,” Dr Doyer said.
According to Dr. Doyer underpinning the programme is the recognition that big farming enterprises were all once small and transformed into commercial operations by following right principles using low input production systems in livestock farming.
“What we are finding is that lack of practical knowledge in applying low input production systems is the major hindrance among smallholder dairy farmers.
“In some cases once farmers invest money they are forced to maximize production regardless to the environment and sustainability,” he said.
Agriserve Agro chief executive officer Renier van Vuuren said the training introduced farmers to innovative, low cost dairy farming methods to help them increase productivity and sustain it.
Livestock farming generally required high capital outlay, and that the lack of it hinders smallholder dairy farmers to employ workers, purchase feed, medicine and equipment necessary for day to day
Recognising that lack of access to quality fodder as the major liming factor for smallholder dairy producers, the Czech Centre of Excellence has established a nursery where farmers would be able to buy seedlings and seeds of beneficial tree species such as Moringa and Lucean.
An initial 40,000 Moringa trees have been planted, and this would be scaled-up to 400,000 by the end of 2018.