Desist from Acts that distort competitive markets

COMPETITION and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has urged the business community to desist from acts that distort competitive markets.

CCPC Public Relations Officer Hanford Chaaba says the commission has noted with great concern some of the conducts happening in various markets where businesses still perpetrate vices that are anti-competitive in nature such as refusal to supply or refusal to deal, sharing and foreclosure of markets and abuse of dominance.

Chaaba says such anti-competitive practices by businesses distort competition and erode consumer welfare.

He says competition being a driver of performance and innovation it enables people to choose from an array of excellent products and affordable prices.

The CCPC has urged businesses in the country desist from engaging in conduct that negatively impacts on competition in various sectors of the economy.

The CCPC PRO says the commission want to see a competitive market environment across economic sectors which will benefit traders, consumers, all market players and the economy at large.