Chambishi MFEZ attracts more than $100 million worth of Investment

THE Chambishi Multifacility Economic Zone (MFEZ) has attracted more
than US$100 million worth of investments from seven foreign entities,
from December 2016 to date.

The economic zone was first to be declared by the Zambian Government
and is being operated by Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation
Zone Limited (ZCCZ).

ZCCZ corporate affairs manager Stephen Lindunda said seven companies
have expressed interest to invest in the zone while others have
already started construction works at the zone.

“So far foreign entities have expressed interest to invest in the zone
with some of them like Yellow Stripes Resources Zambia Limited, GCHX
Mining Limited and Ding Engineering Company already on site while rest
we are in serious negotiations with them,” Mr Lindunda said.

He said this in an interview in Chambishi that the confidence in MFEZ
was still very high looking at the number of confirmed interests so

“We are optimistic about the future despite various trends that have
hampered investments but it is encouraging that the successful
Governments have fully supported the MFEZ programme,” Mr Lindunda

He also observed that the call by Commerce, Trade and Industry
Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe on the demand to reduce entry fees to the
economic zones would boost investments.

“The reduction in entry fees will increase interests into the economic
zones especially for local enterprises,” Mr Lindunda said.

He urged local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to pull resources
together and invest in the zones looking at the comparative advantages
in operating in the MFEZs.

“We need more investments in agro processing and SMEs should take
advantage of the various incentives Government is offering in the
economic zone to partner and invest thereby thwarting the notion that
MFEZ programme is meant for Chinese investors,” Mr Lindunda said.