ADVANCED ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS: Holds Seminar on New Version of SAGE Pastel Accounting

Advanced Enterprise Solutions (AES) held a today at Southern Sun Ridgeway hotel for existing users. The seminar was well attended by AES business partners and entrepreneurs from different companies such as First Fruits, Times of Zambia and many more.

Claig Turner who is the General manger opened the seminar at 08:30 hours with remarks on the importance of attending the seminar. He said AES has changed its name from CHIPS Business solutions but a name that still exists with the Zimbabwean firm CHIPS Zimbabwe and CHIPS Malawi.

He said SAGE Pastel partner has a lot of advantages to expand business firms.

Mr Dingani and Gata from CHIPS Zimbabwe highlighted in their presentation that there is need to change from an old system to an advanced partner pastel Accounting version 14 which is integrated with Evolution and has more advanced features.

Mr Ubet from South Africa who has worked for SAGE South Africa for more than 10 years also told the seminar attendants that they needed to keep abreast with the new business software application such as SAGE pastel payroll and HR.

The seminar was beneficial to the business partners and entrepreneurs as they asked questions and contributed to the seminar presentation.

In an interview with Brian Simpande from ICU the Leader news, SAGE users expressed their joy for having attended the seminar and are looking forward to similar seminars in future.