Acid Attacks On Women In India On The Rise.

In spite of stricter laws and punishment, the number of acid attacks on women in India continues to rise.
With reasons ranging from domestic or land disputes, to rejected marriage proposals or spurned sexual advances, women continue to suffer excruciating pain and disfigurement at the hands of their male attackers.
Statistics show a clear increase in the number of acid attacks in the South Asian country in recent years. At least 106 such cases were reported in 2012, according to the Acid Survivors Foundation India (ASFI), and that figure rose to 122 in 2013 and 349 in 2014. Activists say that this figure rose to over 500 in 2015-2016.
It is however esteemated that around 1,000 acid attacks on women take place in India every year. Most of them are not reported due to fear of stigmatization and traditions that favor men.
With reasons ranging from domestic or land disputes, to rejected marriage proposals or spurned sexual advances, women continue to suffer excruciating pain and disfigurement at the hands of their male attackers.
Statistics show a clear increase in the number of acid attacks in the South Asian country in recent years. At least 106 such cases were reported in 2012, according to the Acid Survivors Foundation India (ASFI), and that figure rose to 122 in 2013 and 349 in 2014. Activists say that this figure rose to over 500 in 2015-2016.
It is however esteemated that around 1,000 acid attacks on women take place in India every year. Most of them are not reported due to fear of stigmatization and traditions that favor men.