According to Zambian Observer,

Zambia’s biggest hospitals such as the University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, Chingwele Mini Referral Hospital and Chilenje Mini Referral Hospital have run out of life supporting drugs also known as essential drugs in the medical field.
Currently patients are being sent away with prescriptions of the drugs to be bought either from private drug dealers or streets.
And Top Secret investigations have established that government has not paid health workers for months now.
“Critically hit are those that were engaged to offer services during the cholera outbreak in most parts of Zambia as they have not been paid to date despite the World Health Organisation (WHO) despite releasing the funds but sources say the donor funds were embezzled by top government officials,” sources confirm.
Meanwhile, donor funding to the health sectors and especially government run hospitals has been cut due to alleged corruption by President Edgar Lungu and his incoming successor and alleged corrupt Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya.
Ministry of Health has not received grants for five months now leading drug to shortages in government hospitals, sources have confirmed to Top Secret.
“Government Hospitals and clinics have run out of syringes, catheters, cannula and other essential drugs, Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, and University Teaching Hospital (UTH) are the worst hit,” sources say.
Amidst all these reports, President Edgar Lungu is scheduled to buy a jet at a cost of 400 million dollars from Russia which has a bar (tarven) privately made for himself.