A man who has two watches is never sure of his correct time. The quicker we make decisions in our minds on what to do, the better is our life’s success. Life is all about choices.

One of the common things often said about time management is that “time is difficult to manage”. There may be truth in the saying but the truth is that while time cannot be managed, the activities can be.

Dr. Farrah Gray, a motivator, writer and philanthropy says, “It is easy to say, difficult to practice. Most small business entrepreneurs have difficulty controlling their time. It is fundamental to organize your tasks and schedule.”

Dr. Farrah Gray suggests the following to manage ones activities in order to save time and achieve the best results in life and in his own words he writes:

“Let’s start from the goal. With more time available, you will be able to exercise innovation, develop “out-of-the-box “thinking to see what is wrong and what can be improved. You will be able to be more connected and updated with trends, opportunities and threats. You will be able to have a more balanced life with leisure and with your family.

So, what should you do? There is no magic. But the best solutions for the worst problems are often the most simple.

Start with writing down the daily tasks that you need to do every day. Examples: read the news, read e-mails, reply e- mails, pay bills, verify bank accounts, verify stock, call suppliers, check with the staff if everything is ok, and so on.

Estimate how much time you need to accomplish those tasks. Verify where you can optimize your time, and organize the schedule to get it done. Start with only controlling the time spent. It is already a great step.

Resolve first the easiest and shortest tasks. If in some task, you exceed your time limit, stop, go to the next one. Return to that one only after finishing the “round” and use your “spare time” for so doing.

Try to reduce 10% to 30% the time of some less valuable tasks. With other tasks, develop a worksheet (a simple control) and try to empower yourself to accomplish and control it.

Try to reserve, at least, one or two hours to creative thinking, to research new products, new approaches and new markets, depending on your core business and always with focus on strengths. Keep in mind not to lose touch with the “big picture” of your market and competitors.

Creative time is defined as taking a certain thought (such as getting rich or finding that one special love), thinking about it in a determined fashion and then holding that thought strongly enough to impress that thought onto motion implementation. This will cause the creative thinking process to accomplish the circumstances you wish to achieve whatever it is that you desire.

With time management planning, we have a scope enlarged, a little more of variables, an expanded timeline, defined methodologies (tools) and usually, we need to write it down. But it continues to be an extension or an improvement of what we are accustomed to do.

Speak with focus on startups and small business ideas; your time management is a fundamental tool to avoid “losing the path in the middle of the running”. Maintain your focus on using positive thoughts to overcome the mental barriers that most people have to face making money and becoming wealthy.

When you get stuck in a particular situation and don’t find a solution, go for a walk, have a coffee, do something that makes you disconnect completely and quickly from the problem and return to it later after gaining new perspective.

To manage a business, to develop a business plan or to improve our competitive business efficiency, we need to have a knowledge framework of some basic concepts and practices, and even if we know them, it is always interesting to revise them by using our time management tools. When we talk about time management, sometimes, we associate with paperwork, theories, old school works, a boring and endless time consuming task, and so on.

But actually time management and planning is a natural embedded activity that we practice every day. We plan the best route to go to the office. We plan when we go shopping. We plan our vacations. And, so we do with other diverse actions of our daily activities (professional and personal).

Don’t try to only memorize everything that happens or that you will need to accomplish that day. You will lose time in struggling with the effort to remember so, why not write down items in a notebook, Outlook calendar, Palm Pilot, smart phone or whatever.

When you are involved with a complex problem that needs immediate resolution and you need to concentrate, don’t let anyone interrupt your thoughts, close the door, don’t answer the phone and concentrate on finishing your task first. You will economize valuable time. You will have a more efficient focused process utilizing your time results.Time, it’s not only money, it’s your Life!”

Indeed if time is life, it is true to say that life is sacred.