Your maid is only
Your house aid you
Can’t leave all
The work for her
Some of you take
Advantage just because
You are an employed
Or working woman
You want the maid to
Literally do everything
Cleaning the house
Including your
Matrimonial bed
Washing plates
Clothes and blankets
Including your
Husband’s under wears
Are you unaware that
There things and places
In the house that
Only you as wife
Should do,that
Only you should access
Because of leaving
Everything and anything
To the maids you end up
Losing your marriages
To them and you
Cry foul when its
Your own mistake
Your own negligence
Your house aid you
Can’t leave all
The work for her
Some of you take
Advantage just because
You are an employed
Or working woman
You want the maid to
Literally do everything
Cleaning the house
Including your
Matrimonial bed
Washing plates
Clothes and blankets
Including your
Husband’s under wears
Are you unaware that
There things and places
In the house that
Only you as wife
Should do,that
Only you should access
Because of leaving
Everything and anything
To the maids you end up
Losing your marriages
To them and you
Cry foul when its
Your own mistake
Your own negligence