Your health in your hands

You have more option than you think ? You are not stuck in any particular job or health status.
You can change your curcumstances by making new, better decisions ,You have the resources within you to set a new course for the rest of your life .
Your health is in your hands. You have near control over your own health.You don't have to wait for someone or Government to mandent a new system of force health care coverage at rip prices.You can create your own health care plan right now by changing your diet ,boosting your exercises and up grade your life style .
So you see ,there's actually a whole lot of good news .it's not as dark as i and you might think,unless of course ,you think that your Government will save you,or that socialised health ccare will solve your personal health problem.People who believe those things will find those belief rudely shattered ,for them the future may be quiet dark ,indeed .But for those who have a grip on reality, the future looks bright.'
The future after all,is what we make of it , and those with brightest minds and deepest determinations holds most of the power in sharpening our collective future .And the best way to have a bright future is to accept the reality of what's coming and then prepare for a more challenging future ahead .By preparing for a big changes ,you turn a potentially negative situation into a positive opportunity ,so you see ,even bad news can be good news especially if dealt with it instead of ignoring it .
You can change your curcumstances by making new, better decisions ,You have the resources within you to set a new course for the rest of your life .
Your health is in your hands. You have near control over your own health.You don't have to wait for someone or Government to mandent a new system of force health care coverage at rip prices.You can create your own health care plan right now by changing your diet ,boosting your exercises and up grade your life style .
So you see ,there's actually a whole lot of good news .it's not as dark as i and you might think,unless of course ,you think that your Government will save you,or that socialised health ccare will solve your personal health problem.People who believe those things will find those belief rudely shattered ,for them the future may be quiet dark ,indeed .But for those who have a grip on reality, the future looks bright.'
The future after all,is what we make of it , and those with brightest minds and deepest determinations holds most of the power in sharpening our collective future .And the best way to have a bright future is to accept the reality of what's coming and then prepare for a more challenging future ahead .By preparing for a big changes ,you turn a potentially negative situation into a positive opportunity ,so you see ,even bad news can be good news especially if dealt with it instead of ignoring it .