Writers [authors] are very important to the development of every nation. Be it socially, economically, or politically their importance can not be over emphasized. But if you look critically you’ll discover that writers are very delicate and vulnerable specie of people.
I know you are wondering what I mean by the two terminologies, delicate and vulnerable. I will tactically make you understand what I mean.In a place of poor and reading culture, writers don’t thrive. For writers to thrive there is need for a serene environment. They don’t just flourish anywhere and anyhow they are like animals that only survive in specific climatic conditions so they are delicate. These same people [writers] often fall under verbal, physical, or mental attack. As a coin has two sides, whatever they write, whether true or false, whether factual or fictional, it produces positive and negative impact according to the perception and judgment of people.
Writers are extremely important and inevitable. Without writers a nation goes and sleeps, it slumbers into ignorance and illiteracy. The two things that are not only bad but dangerous [deadly]. Its writers that bring enlightenment and it is from their works that education is grounded. It is through them that history is preserved and accounts are kept over time.
Unfortunately in Zambia the poor leading culture and the in-conducive environment has suffocated the writers. And as a consequence illiteracy and ignorance daily takes toll on the population. And it doesn’t seem to relent, one person once remarked that,’ ignorance is the greatest disease. We need to join hands and revitalize and revolutionize the writing and reading culture in Zambia.