Instead of waking up with complaints about yourself, feeling unattractive, too tall, too short, too what, too this. Just get up in the morning and say I am a masterpiece. When you start your day, you must own your morning. Kneel down and thank God that you are alive. Always be grateful.
After doing all this, start by making your bed, because that will be your first achievement of the day. Just by doing this and making it a habit , you will soon notice that you will be eager to accomplish other thing in your life . Always aim to do better than yesterday.
Word are like seeds ,when you speak something out .You give life to what you are saying. If you continue to say it, eventually that can become reality. When you talk, you plant a seed with your words. At some point ,you are going to eat the fruit .You must make it a must to plant the right kind of seeds .If you want apples, plant apple seeds .There is no way one can plant apples and expect oranges. In other words, you cannot talk negative and expert positive life ,in addition you cannot talk defeat and expect victory that's impossible. If you have a poor mouth, you will have a poor life. Your life will move in the direction of your words. Self talk creates reality, so identify who you are, know your purpose, set goals and have a vision. Live life with value.
Instead of waking up with complaints about yourself, feeling unattractive, too tall, too short, too what, too this. Just get up in the morning and say I am a masterpiece. When you start your day, you must own your morning. Kneel down and thank God that you are alive. Always be grateful.
After doing all this, start by making your bed, because that will be your first achievement of the day. Just by doing this and making it a habit , you will soon notice that you will be eager to accomplish other thing in your life . Always aim to do better than yesterday.
Word are like seeds ,when you speak something out .You give life to what you are saying. If you continue to say it, eventually that can become reality. When you talk, you plant a seed with your words. At some point ,you are going to eat the fruit .You must make it a must to plant the right kind of seeds .If you want apples, plant apple seeds .There is no way one can plant apples and expect oranges. In other words, you cannot talk negative and expert positive life ,in addition you cannot talk defeat and expect victory that's impossible. If you have a poor mouth, you will have a poor life. Your life will move in the direction of your words. Self talk creates reality, so identify who you are, know your purpose, set goals and have a vision. Live life with value.