why do you lose hope?

Why do you lose hope so easily? Why do you give up on yourself? Do you think you are hopeless? do you think you are worthless?Let me tell you, if you begin to think negatively about yourself. It won’t be easy for you to improve your life. One man said’, if you change the way you see things, the things you see change’’. You can overcome a situation if you look at it positively, if you start believing you can really do. Mind you, some situations [circumstances] are meant to arouse your abilities. For explanation purposes let me give you an example. If long distance was not a problem to man, he wouldn’t have viewed it as a challenge
Interestingly see how people viewed the problem differently. Some looked at it as a problem they will have to endure and bear for the rest of their lives. Some looked at it as a problem that presented a challenge. It aroused their ability to think. It provoked their creativity and ingenuity. So they began to think and overtime due to persistence and consistence. A bicycle was inverted; see from the same situation some made progress and success because of the positive mind over it.
I have used two sets words endurance, consistence, perseverance, ingenuity, creativity, problem, challenge, and circumstance. The other set is, lose hope, and give up, hopeless and worthless. What does this selection of words tell you? The first set talks about your attitude rather your ideal reaction to problem, situation, challenge, and circumstance. They talk of positivity, strength and courage thus what enables you to conquer and overcome or even turn the bad into good. The second is what makes you lose, or be overcome by problem, situation or circumstance. They talk about negativity and inferiority, the armor of non achievers [failures]. I’m not saying you are a failure, and, if you are, I’m not saying you’ll forever be.
Listen it’s never too late, you can make it, you can be positive about yourself. You can succeed and achieve only if you don’t give up, if you don’t look down on yourself. Only if you don’t give up, be strong and of good courage God will see you through only work hard and believe. take my words and you will be impressed. never lose hope,never.