Successfully the state funeral has come to an end. It has been a busy and trying, critical and sad time for the nation. We thank God almighty for seeing us through that traumatizing moment. Yes we have barred but what’s next. What must we do now, who do we put our trust on? Who leads us from now going forward? Are we going to see maturity? Are we going to see unit, peace and tranquility, are we going to see continuity? What of development and prosperity is it going to be a reality?
No one is sure, everyone is in doubt, and we don’t know what’s behind this cloud. Among the presidential seat contenders are we going to see fights, violence, conflicts and confusion. Are the masses going to make the right choice? Is the voice of the majority going to be heard? Are the elections going to be free and fair? What if things go opposite to the expected, how will people react, will they regard peace or they will overlook it.
Here we are at the cross roads, which way do we take, is it this or that? Mother Zambia, mother Zambia look at your God he has the answer for you. He has your way out of this; he has the mirror whose transparency doesn’t lie. It will show you who is who and who is not. It will tell you the right one and the wrong ones. Remember the selfish, the self-centered, and the greedy ones will cloth in sheep cloth. They will appear like saints, and use the Pharisee’s kind of pretense highly unpredictable type. They will use propaganda and stealth schemes to win at all coasts. Remember most of the Zambians are ignorant very vulnerable and easily cheated. When I tell the nation to fight ignorance and illiteracy you say Mashewa Mukwenje talks too much. See now how important these things are.
The nation can’t speak with one voice; it can’t agree or go by one decision because we don’t reason at the same level. See how divided we are on the constitution, it’s because of these things I always talk about.When will you understand the root cause of the problem? lend your eye to wisdom and learn to reason clearly, otherwise you and your problems will not depart.