we have came a longway Zambia

We have come a long way mother Zambia. Fifty years is not a simple journey at all. Most of our forefathers gave up on the journey; they couldn’t reach this far, may their souls rest in peace. Look back fifty years down the line. Picture how the [forefathers] were oppressed, suppressed, subjected and enslaved day and night. How they were denied education and access to good health, food and shelter. How they patiently endured the pain.
Then when they looked at the future and were dismayed. They felt for the future generations and felt duty bound [obliged] to fight the colonial domination.They wanted to peeve way for a future free, a future of liberty, equality, peace, tranquility, and opportunity for everyone. They stood to fight for a noble great cause, but what was the cost to pay.it was so huge ladies and gentlemen.
They were great blood shade as the colonial masters tried to crush down and silence our forefathers. They used mass weaponry and ammunition on our unarmed forefathers. They killed them indiscriminately and mercilessly including children. They inspired terror and people scampered.My oh my, at this suffering they should have given up. They should have surrendered at once but they said no.
Our children’s children should not live under this inhuman [excruciating] situation. And to them the reason was enough to lay their lives for. It was worthy the pain and burden. They fought with all their mighty and truly at last by blood independence was won. Today it's fifty years from 1964 what a strong foundation did our fore furthers lay for us the future.
We still enjoy peace and tranquility, freedom and justice, sovereignty etc. our dear nation is now in our hands. It’s us to determine its future; it’s us to make it better and greater. Thanks a lot, I give my heart off to freedom fighters. I salute you our gallant, strong, future focused noble forefathers. We wouldn’t have come this far without you.