watch your dressing

Is dressing a matter to you? Do you mind how you dress? Or what people may say about it? Do you mind how other people dress? You have heard people categorize dressing as, descent and indecent, traditional and modern. Does this make sense to you, is there such a thing. Some say dressing has an effect on society, do you believe it. Okay, if four people passed in your front. One dressed in a very short skirt with exposed laps and breasts. And another with a long skirt and well covered breasts. The other with a sagged trouser and a t-shirt written, ’I love girls’. Then the last one wearing a trouser pulled to the worst and a shirt. Can you feel same or different about them?
Ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not. Whether you agree or disagree. Whether you believe it or not, dressing has an effect. In fact the effect is so deep that it touches morality, tradition and culture. Africa has come a long way with a unique way of dressing [traditional]. But of late this tradition dressing has been massively diluted and compromised. It’s almost disappearing due to imitated ways of dressing which people have called 'modern fashion'. Clothing that is fancy yet, tempting and destructive. Sorry if you have found the two words, tempting and destructive offensive. I am just trying to drive a point from the moral perspective. You know people have sexual desire and that desire can be aroused. Even in morally upright people, there is great possibility the desire can be aroused by what they see. So we better watch how we dress or we can be such a temptation to others or worse still be a nuisance. Yet still pride ourselves as modern , updated and fashionable.
Ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not. Whether you agree or disagree. Whether you believe it or not, dressing has an effect. In fact the effect is so deep that it touches morality, tradition and culture. Africa has come a long way with a unique way of dressing [traditional]. But of late this tradition dressing has been massively diluted and compromised. It’s almost disappearing due to imitated ways of dressing which people have called 'modern fashion'. Clothing that is fancy yet, tempting and destructive. Sorry if you have found the two words, tempting and destructive offensive. I am just trying to drive a point from the moral perspective. You know people have sexual desire and that desire can be aroused. Even in morally upright people, there is great possibility the desire can be aroused by what they see. So we better watch how we dress or we can be such a temptation to others or worse still be a nuisance. Yet still pride ourselves as modern , updated and fashionable.