tradition and culture

Tradition and culture is very important element of our lives. It plays a very important role in regulating our manners, values and virtues, even attitudes. But overtime the way people perceive and respect culture has changed. Today the all important culture and tradition which was consulted and applied in important thing such as marriage, respect, family, etc is being overlooked. In fact many people have come to condemn and passionately wish to abolish it. But on whatever grounds these people stand on I want to ask them questions. Suppose you abolished culture and tradition what would you have in its place? We all know that nothing is all perfect even democracy itself has some follies.
Look at your children they have adopted foreign ways of dressing, were their breasts are exposed. They wear clothes that you’ll think are incomplete because they are so seductive. You’ll see their thighs, their pin bottom, their backs and other parts. The boys sag their trousers way below their buttocks and wear t-shirts portraying indecent images and words. Then the go round making hand gestures imitated from American hip-hop stars, they even abscond school to do the same. And at the end they bother you for food. If and when you get rid of culture this is what will happen to you and your children. You’ll have no identity, no direction and no destination to follow. This day they’ll behave like Americans, tomorrow like Asians, the other day like Australians. And you’ll be in disarray.
Let me give some serious advice; don’t do away with your culture and tradition. Were it has some defects just amend it, don’t insult and don’t disrespect it. These same foreign thing you are imitating, were they came from it’s their culture; it’s their own ways of living. Are you going to trade your own values and believes for theirs, no. don’t turn yourself into a nonentity because you have your own unique identity.
Be yourself, be the real you. Have you noticed musically that we no longer have those unique tunes that are called Zambian? What we have now is a bunch of imitator artist, who imitate from foreign artists style and tunes. Ours don’t originate thus they have no identity. I say strongly without fears that, Zambia watch yourself. Take steps backwards and start from where you lost way. Make your corrections now and you’ll get it correct.