the slow death of letter writing

Letter writing, is one of the oldest and most interesting ways of communicating. In olden days it was so popular. In fact equivalent to the popularity the phone has today. People used to take letter writing as an art. And through it they would express themselves, send massages, have reading pleasure and get things done. It saved them expense and labour since they could just send a letter. Instead of going in person, unless when necessary. Don’t forget we are talking about olden days.
As time ticked People began to need faster and more convenient ways of communication. It was but natural as their interactions became more and more important. It’s at this time that inventions such as radio massages, phones and many we have today, started to be idealised in the minds of men. And overtime they were realized.
And when these inventions were made, the world changed. Others can love to say civilization moved a step further. With easier communication many barriers such as distance were dissolved. Business could be done a lot more easily. And the importance of letter writing was reduced. These things took its place. Now letter writing lagged behind, yet it continued to survive.
Today I can say, is the climax of the slow death of letter writing. And it’s my passionate duty to revitalize and bring it to its glory. Won’t you ask me how I will do it, simple, I will persuade you to do this and you will do It. instead of you always talking to your parents, friends, colleagues, relatives, or employers, write them letters. If you want to believe that indeed letter writing is unique and has its glory. see how good the recipient will react. I’m talking respective to the kind and the massage your letter will bear.
Communicate through letters much as you can, but if you don’t know how to write one, I mean an artful letter I will be glad to help you write. And you find it really intresting. Or let’s do this, I will write you some on this poetry Conner. So look out for them shortly.