Shut up! You have no right to talk in this issue, thus what children of today tell to their parents. I have decided to marry this person and no one can stop me or advise me otherwise. And for sure they go ahead and marry. They don’t care about the concert [blessing] of the parents.
Yes we can’t say parents are always right. But they deserve respect and better approach; we don’t need to disrespectfully address them. Even when they disagree rather disapprove of our marriage choice. We instead need to reason with them. One thing you must know is that, parents have a great foresight. The experiences they undergo, the knowledge and wisdom they have gives them special ability. To visualize and analyze situations and the future, they can see while on a stool what a young person can’t see while standing on the mountain top.
You will realize that parents always want what’s best for their children. They want what’s best for you. Bear with them when what they do for your best hurts you. Take them kindly-respectfully and you see how great fortunes shall fall on you. Ask for their opinion in most things and value it.
Today we have a lot of gender based violence in marriages because parents have been sidelined. Their role in marriage has been extremely marginalized. Children have started acting as though they are all knowing. They want to do whatever they want whenever they want without seeking parental advice and blessing. And when things go bad, when tables have turned upside-down they now think of involving parents.
When they discover the true colors of their partner and they begin to fight. They discover that the partner they thought was an angel is actually a beast. Please young generation involve, listen and reason with your parent in important matters such as marriage. It’s what you need to do, even religion and tradition requires you to.
I know you make fun of the tradition of parents finding children marriage partners. But if you look at it critically, you will appreciate the concept and reason behind it. And if you compare your marriages today and those of then you will notice. Today’s marriages are very vulnerable and short lived, there a lot of divorces and violence which was uncommon for the then marriages.