There is a sad mood in the streets of the capital city, and I suppose it’s the same all over the country. As the burial day of our beloved president, his excellence Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata nears. Truly I can see clearly how deeply this man touched the hearts, souls and minds of the people across board. They Red Cross and medical personnel at Mulungushi international conference centre where the body of the president is laying have always been busy. Attending to feinting and collapsing moaners, really the emotions of the nation have been torn apart. The hearts have been broken and we cry.
We send our condolosence to the first lady, the first family and to ourselves. Our hero goes to rest on Tuesday the 11, November, 2014. Go well our beloved, we’ll miss you. We will meet you again on the other side. Thanks for what you have done, thank you for the foundation you have raid. We will build upon it, though we are nervous about the future. Today and tomorrow seems scarely and we cry.
We aren’t sure of what will transpire, we aren’t sure whether peace will prevail behind this veil. We are nervous and nerve racked. But we trust the God we serve, the most high God who protects our Christian nation day and night. He will see us through this circumstance. Nothing is bigger, no situation is too complex, he will see us through you will see. Only trust in him and do his will nation and it will be well.