You bosses in those offices and your secretaries let me tell you off frankly. Allow me to build you into better office bearers by this constructive criticism. And seriously I don’t expect you to only take one or two things from this but the whole thing. Before I hit the nail on the coffin, I want to make it exceedingly clear that, we are not happy with the way you treat us. We look up to you for our hope to keep alive, for our dreams not to be swept down the stream. But you fail us, yes you do, instead of being our climbing larder you became our stumbling blocks.
We youths look up to you as the road to our success, as our models. We take courage to visit your offices rather institutions. But we are disappointed, dismayed and embarrassed by the way you treat us. It’s like the secretaries are specialized in blocking us, turning down us down so we can’t have access to our targets. They judge us by our looks and often give us long appointments. They ensure they deprive us of the opportunity to meet you.ladies and gentlemen lets reason together. do you think its the bosses that suffer their secretaries to do so? or it the secretaries that just choose to obstruct us. forgive my opinion for to me,they are both culprits. please as well forgive my word 'culprit' its the best i can use to to stir up this positive change in these people. i don't mean to offend the guilty ones.
Do you know how many dreams you bosses and secretaries have killed by the habit of making yourself unavailable when you should be. Do know how many hopes you have sent to the early graves. In the end do you know how you have robbed the nation? You may ignore it yourselves yet you have killed the nation by blocking, denying and acting selfishly to people who could have changed the nation for the better had you lent them your ear and help. Personally on behalf of the youth may I say it once more, you secretaries and your bosses in those offices must change- you must change and be available.
We youths look up to you as the road to our success, as our models. We take courage to visit your offices rather institutions. But we are disappointed, dismayed and embarrassed by the way you treat us. It’s like the secretaries are specialized in blocking us, turning down us down so we can’t have access to our targets. They judge us by our looks and often give us long appointments. They ensure they deprive us of the opportunity to meet you.ladies and gentlemen lets reason together. do you think its the bosses that suffer their secretaries to do so? or it the secretaries that just choose to obstruct us. forgive my opinion for to me,they are both culprits. please as well forgive my word 'culprit' its the best i can use to to stir up this positive change in these people. i don't mean to offend the guilty ones.
Do you know how many dreams you bosses and secretaries have killed by the habit of making yourself unavailable when you should be. Do know how many hopes you have sent to the early graves. In the end do you know how you have robbed the nation? You may ignore it yourselves yet you have killed the nation by blocking, denying and acting selfishly to people who could have changed the nation for the better had you lent them your ear and help. Personally on behalf of the youth may I say it once more, you secretaries and your bosses in those offices must change- you must change and be available.