I have to thank the arts fraternity for doing it once again. I thank you for your ever-present support to the nation, especially during the state funeral of our departed president, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata. From the time that shocking news came in you responded quickly like always. You composed songs to mourn, comfort, consul, give direction and hope to the nation. Many artists produced assorted works to mourn the president. And surely such kind of love spirit, passion and affection is extraordinary. It’s very admirable how you inspire solidarity and unit in such trying moments. That’s why you [artists] can never be marginalized; the role you play is huge in our day to day life and circumstances. I urge you to continue with the same spirit of royalty and patriotism.
I also want to thank the government for conducting itself maturely during the morning period. For keeping the peace and calm until the burial. Once again we have shown the world that in words and in deeds we are indeed a Christian nation. We have proved our democracy and politics are mature. And that truly we are one Zambia one nation.
I also salute the Zambian citizenry for their strength, love and unit during the trying and critical moment. I thank them for treasuring the peace we have. Yes it was possible that division and confusion could have come. That fights and conflicts would result but no, the Zambian people like always chose peace and harmony, unit and love, brotherhood and sisterhood. What an extraordinary country, thus why I love Zambia.
My deepest condolences goes to the first family and the Zambian people. I know the pain still continues and it will be long-lasting but we should move on in peace and unit.