Teen stubs-kills, rapes corpse, peels off flesh and disposes girlfriend in pieces and WALKS away

A teenage boy stubbed to death, raped corpse,and then removed all the flesh from the bones of his girlfriend after she refused to have sex with him. This case was disclosed after the murderer confessed what happened and what he had done in DETAIL to the police officers.Three Middle School teenagers, two boys and a girl,wanted to have some time on their own and decided to book a Motel. When they did, they bought a couple of beers and snacks and signed themselves in. They played cards and talked about this and that when one of the boys said goodbye to his friends and left the Motel.
When the two remained the boy started talking about sensual issues with his female friend. She played along in the beginning, but then got fed up with her friend’s behavior and told him that she was going to leave soon. He then asked if she could have sex with him since it was just the two on them in the room with all that privacy, insisting that if she needed more beers he would go across the street to get more. But she told him that was going to finish the one she was on and leave too. The boy got outraged and forced himself on her. She fought him and as a result he couldn’t succeed. Thus the boy resulted to violent behavior and in the process strangled the poor teen girl and stubbed her with a pencil-sharpening knife.
He then raped her multiple times and then sat to “admire” his work. He then thought how to get out of the predicament unnoticed. He went across the street to buy some more pencil-sharpening knives and a trash bag. He peeled the flesh off of his girlfriend using the same knife and stuffed it into the drainage, slice by slice until there was no flesh remaining on the now skeleton. The boy then took photos of the bloody skeleton and sent them to his friend, the one who was with them but left earlier. After that he broke the skeleton joints and packed them into a large 500 liter black trash plastic bag (to carry with him out as trash from the supposed night’s fun), cleaned the Motel room got ready to leave.
When his friend got the pictures with a text “I did this to our friend after she refused to sleep with me” but the friend didn’t believe and instead just told him to go to bed. Due to the gruesome appearance of the photo contents, the friend also decided to send the images to other friends with a view to scaring them before bed time.
These photos also helped in the case a few days later when the girl could not be found and when the murderer finally came in to confess and solve the cops’ conundrum. This is rather a gruesome story that happened some indefinite time ago in the capital of Japan.
When the two remained the boy started talking about sensual issues with his female friend. She played along in the beginning, but then got fed up with her friend’s behavior and told him that she was going to leave soon. He then asked if she could have sex with him since it was just the two on them in the room with all that privacy, insisting that if she needed more beers he would go across the street to get more. But she told him that was going to finish the one she was on and leave too. The boy got outraged and forced himself on her. She fought him and as a result he couldn’t succeed. Thus the boy resulted to violent behavior and in the process strangled the poor teen girl and stubbed her with a pencil-sharpening knife.
He then raped her multiple times and then sat to “admire” his work. He then thought how to get out of the predicament unnoticed. He went across the street to buy some more pencil-sharpening knives and a trash bag. He peeled the flesh off of his girlfriend using the same knife and stuffed it into the drainage, slice by slice until there was no flesh remaining on the now skeleton. The boy then took photos of the bloody skeleton and sent them to his friend, the one who was with them but left earlier. After that he broke the skeleton joints and packed them into a large 500 liter black trash plastic bag (to carry with him out as trash from the supposed night’s fun), cleaned the Motel room got ready to leave.
When his friend got the pictures with a text “I did this to our friend after she refused to sleep with me” but the friend didn’t believe and instead just told him to go to bed. Due to the gruesome appearance of the photo contents, the friend also decided to send the images to other friends with a view to scaring them before bed time.
These photos also helped in the case a few days later when the girl could not be found and when the murderer finally came in to confess and solve the cops’ conundrum. This is rather a gruesome story that happened some indefinite time ago in the capital of Japan.