Scripted Trump does little to convince sceptics on border wall

According to Washington CNN, United States of American President Donald Trump delivered his scripted response to the deepening Washington stalemate over his border wall on Tuesday night. But when he's free to tweet and with cameras rolling during a Wednesday morning appearance, America could find out what he really thinks.
Penned in by the formal stagecraft of his first Oval Office address, the President did little to pry open the partially shuttered government or bring the ultimate monument to his political movement -- a wall along the southern border -- any closer to construction.
But Trump's behaviour in the wake of a big set piece moment is often dictated by his reaction to how everybody else scores his performance.
His impulsive political instincts can go into overdrive after appearances in which he put on a calm presidential demeanour, for instance, in his State of the Union address last year. A subsequent torrent of tweet storms or off-the-cuff remarks to reporters often give a more authentic glimpse into the President's mind.
So, Trump's Twitter feed and a photo op as he signs anti-human trafficking legislation at the White House Wednesday could make compelling viewing -- especially if the President is in a sour mood over morning television coverage of his big speech.
The President hinted that Tuesday night's Oval Office show, his most aggressive move yet in a government shut-down now into its third week, was out of his normal comfort zone of rallies and spontaneous appearances.
Penned in by the formal stagecraft of his first Oval Office address, the President did little to pry open the partially shuttered government or bring the ultimate monument to his political movement -- a wall along the southern border -- any closer to construction.
But Trump's behaviour in the wake of a big set piece moment is often dictated by his reaction to how everybody else scores his performance.
His impulsive political instincts can go into overdrive after appearances in which he put on a calm presidential demeanour, for instance, in his State of the Union address last year. A subsequent torrent of tweet storms or off-the-cuff remarks to reporters often give a more authentic glimpse into the President's mind.
So, Trump's Twitter feed and a photo op as he signs anti-human trafficking legislation at the White House Wednesday could make compelling viewing -- especially if the President is in a sour mood over morning television coverage of his big speech.
The President hinted that Tuesday night's Oval Office show, his most aggressive move yet in a government shut-down now into its third week, was out of his normal comfort zone of rallies and spontaneous appearances.