The time to listen and listen well has come, see to it that you judge correctly otherwise you will mess up your own future or that of your children and generations to come. You may wonder what I’m referring to, or what I am pointing out. Don’t worry I will tell you letter but first lend me your ear. Around this time they will come give you many things, make you sweet promises and great assurances. They will bribe you, entice you and even buy you or buy your vote. They will show as though they care for nothing but you, nothing but your interests. They will show as if you are the one they are fighting for. They will prioritize you as though truly you are on top, you are their masters. And they are you servants.
They will brag and flatter endlessly, they will eat with you, seat with you, cry with you. They promise to forever take care of you. And end you most dreaded problems such as poverty and unemployment. But don’t trust them don’t. I Mr. Mashewa Mukwenje talks from experience take it from me. Many of those people are nothing but pathetic liars. Deceivers of the highest measure who make blue lies look white and right. once you vote them in and they get what they have been up for they will abandon, you forsake you and run from you.
Politicians, how long will they steal from us, how long will they deceive us. All they fight for is their own stomachs and pockets. Their own children and families nothing else scrutinizes them. Do not be victims of their charms, examine them. Do not take their bribes you ruin your own future. Now that campaigns have started be very mindful, be very attentive, to make the right choice. Do not just go by the winds and be deluded.
Let’s all go to vote e on the 20 January 20114. You vote will count, your vote will make a difference. Make your choice, excise your right. If you don’t vote don’t complain.