Obama pushes tax agenda

A defiant president Obama staked out a populist agenda Tuesday night for his final two years in office built on what he called the’’ middle- class economics,’’ while using his sixth state of the union address to deliver slew of veto threats challenging the new, republican-led congress.

Setting a combative tone with Capitol Hill’s GOP leadership, Obama trumpeted a plan centered on free higher Education, new worker protections and a sweeping tax over hikes rates on top earners to fund credits for middle class. Far from chastened by Republican gains in the midterm elections, he vowed to defend signature accomplishments from his first six years in office.

‘’Middle – class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these polices will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way, ’said Obama.

Throughout Obama hammered the message that the economy, and the country, are bouncing back after the recession and two protracted wars. While urging lawmakers to join him in pursuing a ‘’better politics’’ the president repeatedly antagonizing congressional republicans. He sprinkled his jabs at the ‘’superrich’’ and the keystone XL pipeline, and vowed to fight GOP bills that would chip away at Obamacare, financial regulations and his recent immigration actions.

If the bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, I will veto it,’’ Obama said. He issued similar threats with regard to legislation teeing up new Iran sanctions and efforts to roll back environmental regulations.

The president even reminded Republicans of his electoral successes. After declaring he had no more campaign to run, he quipped, ‘’I know because I won both of them.’’ Defending his tax plan, Obama said lobbyists have ‘’rigged’ ’the system with loopholes and giveaways ‘’that the superrich don’t need, while denying a break to middle class families we do.’’ He called for closing them ‘’help more families pay for childcare and send their kids to college. Yet the president, as part of his tax plan, is calling for ending a tax break for collage savings plans known as 529 plan. Under the change, earning on contributions could not be withdrawn tax-free, as they can be now.

The president devoted several of the minutes addressing terrorism and specifically the threat posed by the Islamic state. We will continue to hunt down terrorists and dismantle their network, and we reserve the right to act unilaterally.

Both Republicans and Democrats are appealing to middle-class voters as they begin the new congress. But Obama’s state of the union address, thematically, promoted federal government protections and programs as key to their security, where Republicans are making a flat pitch for private – sector job creation.
