“Newchool” distributes books to universities, libraries, schools and public institutions on an international level..provide shipping by and through DHL and FEDEX to ensure safe and quick delivery. Delivering best quality and value for your money.

Newchool is a South Korea based distributor of Books, Library material, stationary, office ware, and many more. They order their books and most of their merchandize from USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan and some of it locally. They offer excellence with quick delivery to your doorstep and your delivery is surely safely handled.
“We first started as a book and library equipment delivering agent for seven big universities, then we spread to delivering in schools, private and public, religious institutes and government institutions. And now we can deliver anything from any part of the world to anywhere in the world.” The CEO, Mr Hyeon Nakamura, stated when he spoke over coffee at Levy Junction on his second visit to Zambia.
Mr Hyeon Nakamura said that his company supplies and delivers only the best material and is proudly announcing that it plans to present its services to Zambia and other African countries. He said that he is in the country for the second time on his second business trip to Zambia, saying that he wants to invest in the country. He praised the way that Zambia portrays herself and how all-encompassing it is in terms of accommodating foreigners and visitors. He also extolled the work that president Sata Michael Chilufya is doing for Zambia and her people. He said this and also wished the president good health and a quick recovery.
Mr Nakamura said that he wants to invest in the country in a little different way, in a way that brings innovation to the land and helps the natives and the nation as a whole. In short, to help with sustainable development using and working around some of the Millennium Development Goals’ vision and focus.To help in the empowerment of the youth to indulge in entrepreneurship and serious business ventures. The company hopes to start its operations in the country within the next two years.
“We first started as a book and library equipment delivering agent for seven big universities, then we spread to delivering in schools, private and public, religious institutes and government institutions. And now we can deliver anything from any part of the world to anywhere in the world.” The CEO, Mr Hyeon Nakamura, stated when he spoke over coffee at Levy Junction on his second visit to Zambia.
Mr Hyeon Nakamura said that his company supplies and delivers only the best material and is proudly announcing that it plans to present its services to Zambia and other African countries. He said that he is in the country for the second time on his second business trip to Zambia, saying that he wants to invest in the country. He praised the way that Zambia portrays herself and how all-encompassing it is in terms of accommodating foreigners and visitors. He also extolled the work that president Sata Michael Chilufya is doing for Zambia and her people. He said this and also wished the president good health and a quick recovery.
Mr Nakamura said that he wants to invest in the country in a little different way, in a way that brings innovation to the land and helps the natives and the nation as a whole. In short, to help with sustainable development using and working around some of the Millennium Development Goals’ vision and focus.To help in the empowerment of the youth to indulge in entrepreneurship and serious business ventures. The company hopes to start its operations in the country within the next two years.