Massacre in Gaza on US Day

While the United States of America was celebrating a historic moment of moving the Embassy from Tel Aviv in Israel to Jerusalem, guns were blazing at the border of Israel with the Gaza strip where the Palestinians were protesting.

By the time the American Embassy was being officially opened, 45 Palestinians were reported dead with over 2000 injured on the fateful 14th May, 2018 for what the Palestinians have called a massacre of innocent citizens who were merely exercising their rights to protest.

We demand that this action is stopped immediately and those responsible from Israel side be brought to justice as this is not allowed under international law,” lamented the Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour at a press conference in New York.

The Israel are accused of using live ammunition, mortar fire and tear gas being dropped by drones which in one instance injured journalists covering the events in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians have been protesting for seven weeks following the announcement of the US to over its Embassy to Jerusalem which the Palestinian leadership is calling illegal. The world at large is watching the developments and condemnations are now abound in reaction to the scale of massacre still going on among the defenceless residents of the Gaza Strip.