These days the Mukono Municipality Member of Parliament Betty Nambooze Bakileke turned to a motivational speaker. In addition, and has become so advising of late and as case in point is when she recently advised the power couple of Rema Namakula. Also, and Dr Sebunya Hamza about how to treat their relationship.
Now she has appeared again appealing to every woman/female to follow her advice. Therefore, and live a happy marriage if one is to dare try that kind of university. Betty Nambooze said that every girl should get married a man her heart loves. In addition, and wants not a man who has what she wants.
Betty Nambooze continued to assert that when you get married to a man that doesn’t have what you want at that particular moment, it is okay, with time you will get those things and learn from each other along the journey as you grow.
On the same note, Betty Bakileke Nambooze tossed that when you marry a man that has what you want, you will never grow with him as he has everything you need, you keep static in one place.

News sources credit of Timez Uganda.