Livestock antibiotics threaten human life

Demand for food at cheaper prices has dramatically altered the enteir food chain. As a result, food production revolves around efficiency- the ability to producte more for less.Tens of billions of animals worldwide are crammed into confined animal feeding operations.[CAFO'S] Where the animals are tortured in crowed ,un health,unsanitary ,and cruel conditions.
The The failure of the factory farm model reveals that it's virtaually impossible to mass-produce clean ,safe,optimally nutritious foods at rock bottom prices.To prevent the inevitable spreed of diseases from stress,overcrowding ,and un natural diet ,the animals are routinely fed antibiotics. Antibiotics used in livestocks pose a direct threat to human health, and contaminate the enviroment,The antbiotics makes the animals getbigger fast.In other parts of the world ,such as the European union ,the use of antibiotics as growty promoters in animals feed has been banned for years.Routine antibiotic use in animal food production is likely worsenning the epidemic of antibiotic resistant dieseases.A recent study showed industrial pig workers were found to be carrying pig M R S A,a type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and that farmers at pig farms that use antibiotics are more likely to contract MRSA from the pigs than workers at antibiotic free farms.
The The failure of the factory farm model reveals that it's virtaually impossible to mass-produce clean ,safe,optimally nutritious foods at rock bottom prices.To prevent the inevitable spreed of diseases from stress,overcrowding ,and un natural diet ,the animals are routinely fed antibiotics. Antibiotics used in livestocks pose a direct threat to human health, and contaminate the enviroment,The antbiotics makes the animals getbigger fast.In other parts of the world ,such as the European union ,the use of antibiotics as growty promoters in animals feed has been banned for years.Routine antibiotic use in animal food production is likely worsenning the epidemic of antibiotic resistant dieseases.A recent study showed industrial pig workers were found to be carrying pig M R S A,a type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and that farmers at pig farms that use antibiotics are more likely to contract MRSA from the pigs than workers at antibiotic free farms.