we can define failure as the ability to quit from the assigned mission, goals and dreams. We can also define failure has the act of quit ability rather than stick ability to an assigned mission, goal and dreams.
This word failure comes from the word FAIL. And the letters on this word fail can stand for First Attempt In Learning, and that is what some call it.
According to one of the greatest inventors Mr. Thomas A Headson the man behind the invention of the light bulb viewed failure, as an experiment to discover what works and what does not. He was one of the most successful and excellent failure in the world who turned out to be one of the greatest inventors.
We thank God for this man because this man increased our days and we are able to work during the nights easily. This man showed us the way by persisting in his failure, and that we are place on this planet to make a contribution, to add value to life and not only to consume from it.and that is what everybody must do. You were created to make a difference on this planet.
The reason why most of us can’t make contribution is that we are suffering from the fear of failure .And this disease ‘’ fear of failure’’ is the greatest obstacle to success .it blinds us from try out new things.The fear of failure is the beginning of failure. We cannot know what we are good at if we do not fail. Failing is part of the process of learning how to succeed. This means that before success comes one must encounter some failures, Lessons learned and then success comes. we must know that if we do not fail certain things we may not learn certain things, and if we didn’t fail certain things we would have not reach were you are now .if we take a clear look at the crystal ball of failure, we see that failure can either bring positive or negative, but not neutral results, and they is a saying that,’’ it is not the situation that make a man but it is the man who makes the situation’’. This entails that how we respond to situations can either make one a unsuccessful or a successful person. And here is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful. Successful people profit from their failures. They merely learn the paths that lead to succeed.
Often, if you are not failing then you are growing. And if you are not failing you are not learning.
This word failure comes from the word FAIL. And the letters on this word fail can stand for First Attempt In Learning, and that is what some call it.
According to one of the greatest inventors Mr. Thomas A Headson the man behind the invention of the light bulb viewed failure, as an experiment to discover what works and what does not. He was one of the most successful and excellent failure in the world who turned out to be one of the greatest inventors.
We thank God for this man because this man increased our days and we are able to work during the nights easily. This man showed us the way by persisting in his failure, and that we are place on this planet to make a contribution, to add value to life and not only to consume from it.and that is what everybody must do. You were created to make a difference on this planet.
The reason why most of us can’t make contribution is that we are suffering from the fear of failure .And this disease ‘’ fear of failure’’ is the greatest obstacle to success .it blinds us from try out new things.The fear of failure is the beginning of failure. We cannot know what we are good at if we do not fail. Failing is part of the process of learning how to succeed. This means that before success comes one must encounter some failures, Lessons learned and then success comes. we must know that if we do not fail certain things we may not learn certain things, and if we didn’t fail certain things we would have not reach were you are now .if we take a clear look at the crystal ball of failure, we see that failure can either bring positive or negative, but not neutral results, and they is a saying that,’’ it is not the situation that make a man but it is the man who makes the situation’’. This entails that how we respond to situations can either make one a unsuccessful or a successful person. And here is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful. Successful people profit from their failures. They merely learn the paths that lead to succeed.
Often, if you are not failing then you are growing. And if you are not failing you are not learning.