In the desert lived a bird that could fly from one country to another. It happened that one day it flew in a very cold country such that it could not fly anymore,it dropped into somebody farm where cattle was been kept.By accident one the bull relieved [shit] on it covering it with dung.
The warmth of the dung made it start singing happily and louder.Happy that it gained consciousness,the warmer the bird felt the louder it sang.It did not realize that it attracted a cat attention.when the cat reached where the bird was it removed it out of the dung, cleaned it and ate it.
This entails that it is not every person that shits on us that hates us ,and it not every person that remove us out of the shit that loves us.
Always remember that you are surrounded by your friends , enemies and neutral ones, which is expressed by the word [FEN]. And the letters on this word stand for the following.
F:my friends
E :my enemies
N :my neutral ones
So don’t talk too much instead do the listening and learn more.
you should know that it is characteristic of people who have less knowledge that generally do too much talking and too little listening.So keep your ears and eyes wide open and your mouth closed if you are to succeed.
You must know that every time you open your mouth in the presence of people how have abundance knowledge you are displaying the lack of it, and stock of it to them. I urge you to be a good listener .listen to the words of people so that you are able to feel their souls.they say to be a great leader you must be a good open your ears and eyes,but close your mouth.