Kenyan Man Disappears After Wife Delivers Quadruplets

A father of six in West Pokoto court has reportedly gone missing after his six children suddenly increased to ten in just one day.

This is after the wife delivered quadruplets on friday, November 6 at a hospital in Kacheliba constituency of Pokoto.
According to the reports, Rosalline Nyirokomo went into labour on thursday without the slightest indication that she would deliver quadruplets. She is now appealing for assistance from well wishers to help her feed the now grown family and with her husband having gone missing according to herself.

The 30 year old woman delivered the quadruplets through normal delivery, weighing between 1.5 and 1.8 kilo grams.
Two were boys and two girls. She had to be transported 50 kilometers away from the initial hospital to West Pokoto Country Hospital that has better facilities to enable her young ones survive.

She said that in Pokoto culture its a taboo to give birth to more than one baby and thus believes its the reason her husband's gone missing.