Judge denies a court order

According to United States media report, judge in Texas has denied a further restraining order to keep a nine-year-old girl, said by doctors to be brain dead, on life support.
Payton Summons suffered cardiac arrest late last month but her parents obtained a court order forcing a hospital to keep her alive.
However, the district court judge said the burden of proof for a further order had not been met.
The current order is due to expire today monday, the family's lawyer said.
Payton suffered a devastating injury to her brain due to being without oxygen for over an hour" as a result of a tumour in her chest that had stopped her blood circulation, doctors at the Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth said in a statement, quoted by local channel KTVT.
Payton's parents had not yet decided whether to apply for a new restraining order, lawyer Justin Moore told CNN.
He said, it presents a great issue for parents in the state of Texas.
They don't know how to proceed when they have a child put in this condition as Payton Summons has been put in.