ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot, Jordan seriously promises overwhelming retaliation

In relation to the Jordanian’s demise, would it be that the American Special Forces were late or failed the rescue attempt of now murdered pilot, Muath al-Kasaesbeh? Apparently some people would not agree with that assumptive and rather shallow assessment. The pilot had crashed in December in north-eastern Syria when his F-16 went down. And the Jordanians in response hanged two Iraqi jihadists on Wednesday including a female militant after watching an Islamic State video showing the captured Jordanian pilot being burnt alive.
Jordan, a major U.S. ally in the fight against hardline Islamist groups, also executed a senior al Qaeda prisoner, ZiyadKarboli, an Iraqi man who was sentenced to death in 2008.
ISIS had actually demanded for the release of Sajida al-Rishawi, a woman who was sentenced to death for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack in Amman. Rishawi was executed at dawn yesterday, according to online sources and Reuters.
The Jordanains have since promised an ‘ugly’ retaliatory move towards Syria. The Jordanian army has vowed to avenge Kasaesbeh’s death, and some analysts believe it could escalate its involvement in the campaign against Islamic State, which has seized large areas of Iraq and Syria.
Meanwhile, according to Reuters, King Abdullah cut short an official visit to the United States on Tuesday. In a televised statement to the nation, he urged national unity and said the killing was a cowardly act of terror by a criminal group that has no relation to Islam.
This situation has since left brought another mourning predicament for people in the area where peace, safety, harmony and calm are concerned.