Good Healthy Food

Have you tried our raw oysters? Or even boiled or somehow prepared ones? It is one of the tastiest and healthiest dishes one can treat his body with. Some or most people can be so complaisant when it comes to knowing or choosing healthy food for themselves or their families. Most of them just go for nshima, vegetables and some main dishes ranging from chicken, beef, pork or fresh and dried fish. It is unfortunate that Zambia is too deeply landlocked and has little or no access to the sea and what the sea has to offer.
Cleanly washed raw oysters with pork, green vegetables and spicy sliced radish would be one good suggestion for all the good food lovers out there. It is a very famous and delicious Korean dish that tastes so good one’s taste buds flatter. As can be observed from the digitally clear picture, the dish comes with its own side dishes that supplement the deli. On top of that, for those who take alcohol especially those that loves spirits, a few bottles of Soju, an exquisite Korean liquor, balances up the all equation.
This is a dish enjoyed by Koreans themselves and many foreigners. But it’s best prepared by a Korean professional or an expert. It is not just about putting the ingredients on a dish and serving, it’s about knowing with what to serve it with and knowing the people who would partake of it. It’s like art.
There are a few Korean and Japanese restaurants here in Zambia (longacres, woodlands, etc.) for those who might want to try some Asian dishes out. The prices are handsome and the service is top notch. Koreans have been in Zambia for many years and more keep coming to Africa and Zambia for business and to make a living. Being a ‘fertile’ environment for business, Zambia attracts many investors even from as far as South Korea and Japan and the rest of the world too.
Zambians need to discover the multicultural world as it now slowly becomes a multiracial nation and a home for many foreigners with different cultures and food cultures as well. Sharing or showing interest in other people’s cultures or food cultures brings people together in many ways. But this very dish is such an awesome experience in the food world that can speak for itself and deserves to be tasted.