When you see a young girl walking to school looking so beautiful in uniform what comes in your mind. Do you feel happy and see a bright future ahead of her. Do you feel like encouraging her to go on with school? Do you feel like telling her to fly as much as she can in school? If you feel that way, then it’s good. You are a very right minded man or woman you are fair and not discriminatory. You are not like the other people I will talk about in the next paragraph. Those who believe a wrong perception, I don’t mean to offend them. I just want to call a sped a sped.
There are people who discriminate girls; they think girl education is a waste of time. To them girls don’t deserve to go or be in school. They think girls are only good for the kitchen and profitable for lobola. What a very unfair kind of thinking! What a perception! It’s primitive. These people don’t put their girl children in school they rather keep them home and marry them off soon as they can.
Do you know what that does; it destroys those children’s future. It deprives them of good childhood and of their rights as children. It puts them into serious emotional, mental and physical trauma. It pushes them into a tight Conner where it’s difficult for them to voice out. At last they have no option but to endure marriage and life.
I am urging people to give girl children time and chance to be in school. Let the girls have a good childhood and education. And you will realize that truly girl children are not inferior, that they can contribute massively to national development.