Free WI-FI at your disposal

Imagine having Wi-Fi at every public place, in Universities and schools, at every Mall, Airport, bus terminal, every shop and restaurant, every internet café, and every other public building around your city.. Imagine what greater good having such a thing would be for Zambia. Well, with the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) all that can be possible.Just asit says in the National ICT policy that, ‘ICT is an enabler to build an information centered society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge leading to greater productivity, greater competitiveness and sustainable economic growth, a precondition for poverty reduction’, having free Wi-Fi at public spots would be a prerequisite for development and poverty eradication with zero national marginalization.
People in the western world have had, have utilized and still use these essentials in everyday life and that has helped to bring their civilization to optimal levels that always supersedes their recent circumstances with ease. With ICT Zambia has the chance to rise above herself and start to compete with these ‘big powers’, it is in the Zambian people’s grasp to rise and take the opportunity to bring its civilization to the level of global civilization. With free Wi-Fi around, even individuals can start up something that can put our Country on THAT level of development and prosperity. Thanks to telecommunications, information, broadcasting and communications brought to us by and through Information and Communications Technology (ICT) we, as individuals, and as a nation now have the chance to dare and dive at the opportunity. It might seem expensive and out of reach at the moment but it is also already in our grasp.
One might wonder why it is so expensive to have such facilities at our disposal, or why it should be many times more expensive to use such facilities for us that other countries or western countries, but, why care if there is monopoly about it anyway, we will still get it eventually. And as a matter of fact, we already got it. Somehow, Zambia too, will eventually get around the fact that it is expensive because nothing can or will stand in her way to development and real civilization except her sons and daughters.
With Wi-Fi and/or cheaper internet, every citizen with a smart phone can have access to a whole new world of information such that nobody would need to complain about information ever again. Things would be a lot easier and everybody would become a lot smarter. Zambia herself would become prouder and smarter. With luck of information in ones hands it is like spending a lifetime in the dark. With cheaper internet come real opportunities and a whole wide range of bulky and useful information for everyone. ICT and free Wi-Fi or cheaper internet comes the ‘enhancing of good governance and the lowering costs of the delivery of basic social services. In the sphere of education for example, ICTs have the potential to improve quality of education and training through e-learning and online learning’ of which millions now are benefiting.
‘The developments in telecommunications and information technologies have improved and increased the connectivity between and within countries thereby removing barrier of time and spatial separation. This in turn has resulted in increased integration of markets, improved commerce and geo-political relations.’ And thanks to ICT, even free Wi-Fi is just about here.
People in the western world have had, have utilized and still use these essentials in everyday life and that has helped to bring their civilization to optimal levels that always supersedes their recent circumstances with ease. With ICT Zambia has the chance to rise above herself and start to compete with these ‘big powers’, it is in the Zambian people’s grasp to rise and take the opportunity to bring its civilization to the level of global civilization. With free Wi-Fi around, even individuals can start up something that can put our Country on THAT level of development and prosperity. Thanks to telecommunications, information, broadcasting and communications brought to us by and through Information and Communications Technology (ICT) we, as individuals, and as a nation now have the chance to dare and dive at the opportunity. It might seem expensive and out of reach at the moment but it is also already in our grasp.
One might wonder why it is so expensive to have such facilities at our disposal, or why it should be many times more expensive to use such facilities for us that other countries or western countries, but, why care if there is monopoly about it anyway, we will still get it eventually. And as a matter of fact, we already got it. Somehow, Zambia too, will eventually get around the fact that it is expensive because nothing can or will stand in her way to development and real civilization except her sons and daughters.
With Wi-Fi and/or cheaper internet, every citizen with a smart phone can have access to a whole new world of information such that nobody would need to complain about information ever again. Things would be a lot easier and everybody would become a lot smarter. Zambia herself would become prouder and smarter. With luck of information in ones hands it is like spending a lifetime in the dark. With cheaper internet come real opportunities and a whole wide range of bulky and useful information for everyone. ICT and free Wi-Fi or cheaper internet comes the ‘enhancing of good governance and the lowering costs of the delivery of basic social services. In the sphere of education for example, ICTs have the potential to improve quality of education and training through e-learning and online learning’ of which millions now are benefiting.
‘The developments in telecommunications and information technologies have improved and increased the connectivity between and within countries thereby removing barrier of time and spatial separation. This in turn has resulted in increased integration of markets, improved commerce and geo-political relations.’ And thanks to ICT, even free Wi-Fi is just about here.