Lifestyle is much more important than most people think. Poor lifestyle choices accounted for more than half of stroke in the word today. People who achieved a good healthy lifestyle are those that have made good choices such as not smoking, moderate intake of alcohol, a body mass index 25, daily exercise for 30 min and a healthy diet score in the top 40% had an 80% reduction of stroke compared with people that have achieved nothing .
Intake of meat and eggs has increased chances of suffering a stroke in a life time while intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains has decreased those chances. Besides a high content of cholesterol, meat (particularly red meat) contains carnitine, while egg yolks contain phosphatidylcholine. Both are converted by the intestinal microbiome to trimethylamine, in turn oxidised in the liver to trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO). TMAO causes atherosclerosis in animal models, and in patients referred for coronary angiography high levels after a test dose of two hard-boiled eggs predicted increased cardiovascular risk. The strongest evidence for dietary prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction is with the Mediterranean diet from Crete, a nearly vegetarian diet that is high in beneficial oils, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Persons at risk of stroke should avoid egg yolk, limit intake of red meat and consume a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. A crucial issue for stroke prevention in China is reduction of sodium intake. Dietary changes, although difficult to implement, represent an important opportunity to prevent stroke and have the potential to reverse the trend of increased cardiovascular risk in China.
News sources BMJ Journals
Lifestyle is much more important than most people think. Poor lifestyle choices accounted for more than half of stroke in the word today. People who achieved a good healthy lifestyle are those that have made good choices such as not smoking, moderate intake of alcohol, a body mass index 25, daily exercise for 30 min and a healthy diet score in the top 40% had an 80% reduction of stroke compared with people that have achieved nothing .
Intake of meat and eggs has increased chances of suffering a stroke in a life time while intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains has decreased those chances. Besides a high content of cholesterol, meat (particularly red meat) contains carnitine, while egg yolks contain phosphatidylcholine. Both are converted by the intestinal microbiome to trimethylamine, in turn oxidised in the liver to trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO). TMAO causes atherosclerosis in animal models, and in patients referred for coronary angiography high levels after a test dose of two hard-boiled eggs predicted increased cardiovascular risk. The strongest evidence for dietary prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction is with the Mediterranean diet from Crete, a nearly vegetarian diet that is high in beneficial oils, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Persons at risk of stroke should avoid egg yolk, limit intake of red meat and consume a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. A crucial issue for stroke prevention in China is reduction of sodium intake. Dietary changes, although difficult to implement, represent an important opportunity to prevent stroke and have the potential to reverse the trend of increased cardiovascular risk in China.
News sources BMJ Journals